Bethany [ Candid Motherhood ]


“I believe this view of motherhood is getting lost and leaving us all feeling so secluded in the “real life” motherhood. We get the idea that every other mom is so much more glamorous in this stage of life and we just can’t measure up.” – Bethany O’Brien

Karli from Karli’s Doula Biz spent a morning with Bethany and her four kids. FOUR. And this session is everything! Motherhood: fueled by coffee and Target trips. Storytime at the Library, followed by a trip to the mighty Target is a day in the life with young children. We love the quote from Bethany above – this is REAL life. The day-in-day-out stuff of raising small kids. We may not feel like it’s glamorous or Instagram-worthy, but it’s still beautiful. That shot of Bethany giving her kiddos the look – we’re all been there!! Our favorite image of this session is the final one – a lovely lens flare above the chaos of getting everyone into car seats. 

Thank you, Karli and Bethany, for capturing the beauty in the everydayness of being a Mom.

To connect with Karli, find her on Facebook