Tummy Time Truths


Oh, Tummy Time, how my children loathe thee.  But it is a necessary evil.  Research shows that tummy time is the best way to get your baby to hit all of her milestones, from sitting up on her own to walking.   

Here are 5 truths about tummy time that I have learned with my twins.

  1. Your baby will hate tummy time. In the beginning, at least.  As mothers, we are taught to put our babies to bed on their backs.  And as a result, babies become accustomed to lying on their backs more often than not.  When placed on their tummies, our babies are sent into an emotional tailspin that can be heard from miles away.
  2. You will hate tummy time.  No mother likes to hear her baby scream through the torture that is Tummy Time.  And because you will want your baby to hit her milestones, it becomes a necessary chore.  So set the timer on your phone, play some soothing music, and enjoy the screaming.
  3. Tummy time will make you get creative.  Because your baby will hate said exercise, you will become a master at coming up with ways to make the time go by faster.  From placing a mirror on the floor; to dancing and singing for your baby, the possibilities are endless for making this time less painful for her.
  4. Tummy time is the best way to get burps out of your baby.  Just make sure there is a burp cloth underneath her!
  5. Watching baby roll over is super exciting.  After weeks and weeks of watching your child suffer through this mandated exercise, seeing her roll from her stomach to her back is such a joy to see for the first time.  


  1. These are great tips! I found that babywearing has much of the same effect as tummy time, so we did that sometimes to avoid the screaming. Babies with reflux (3 of my 4 babies) have a particularly tough time with tummy time as it causes them to spit up. My oldest learned to roll over super quick because she hated tummy time, so by a month old tummy time was useless, haha!

    • Thanks, Bethany! And great point about baby wearing. I also found baby wearing helpful in the newborn stage. My babies preferred it over tummy floor time for sure.

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